Have you ever wondered what the people doing flowing movements in the park are up to?

Many people have learned the spectacular benefits of Qigong and practice it in the parks as a healing, moving meditation. It looks similar to Tai Chi but Qigong was practiced thousands of years before Tai Chi came on the scene. Doing Qigong outside helps you feel the Qi (pronounced like “Chee” or Chi) more strongly. Qi is the bio-electric, bio magnetic energy of all living things. In the summer I take my Qigong students outside to embrace the Qi in Nature. Recent studies show that being outside where it’s filled with trees, (called “Forest Bathing”) is very beneficial for your emotional and physical health. We add Qi to the already beneficial Forest Bathing!
It is the most interesting and fascinating feeling to press on the Qi and feel it react by pressing back or seemingly resisting the pressure. One student said “It feels viscous.” Truly as you learn to tune into the feeling, Qi is actually palpable.
What it does is increase your own internal energy Qi, and it stimulates your body’s natural healing resources. Our bodies are astounding in their ability to heal given the correct stimulus or resources. Qi helps you heal. I dare you to do an internet search on any health problem and then add Qigong to the search. Chances are very high you will find a scientific study documenting the effectiveness of Qigong in healing that health problem. 
I’d like to let you experience the power of Qi for yourself. Join our group of Qi enthusiasts on Monday night at 7 pm for an hour of Qigong. $25.
We have a special half-day workshop every month on a Saturday or Sunday to really amp up your Qi. Time is 10-2:30 on Sunday April 28th. $100. or $75 paid by April 20th.
Call to reserve your space. Space is limited.

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