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If you want to really pamper someone, give them the gift of “Ahhhh Spa.”
Note: All products purchased will show “MyNameIsPhoenix” as the seller.
To Buy Your Gift Certificate You Must: Purchase the Gift Certificate, then download the gift certificate and fill in your transaction receipt number in the authorization code line along with the date you purchased it or it will not be valid.
Ultimate Spa Package:
90 minutes– Includes: Aromatherapy Hydrating Scalp Treatment, Aromatherapy Foot Bath, Aromatherapy Paraffin Hand Treatment, Aromatherapy Hydrating Body Wrap, and a 60 Minute Massage. $150

Ultimate Spa Package Gift Cert
“I Love My Face” Spa Package:
75 minutes-– A Luxurious Spa “Facelift Massage”, Aromatherapy Face Steam, and Cool Gemstone Treatment.
This is the most advanced massage treatment available for affecting a change in the face naturally.
Forget expensive and sometimes dangerous plastic surgery or injecting toxins close to your brain!
Facelift Massage:
Improve your looks and facial muscle tone
See a healthy change in your face
Reduces puffiness around eyes
Reduces face puffiness and double chin
Minimizes fine lines
Improve cellular nutrition and decrease cell waste buildup to positively affect how cells age
Helps reduce acne
Increase elastin production
Useful in managing conditions such as dry, dull looking skin
Increase cellular hydration
Gemstones add beneficial vibrational energy to help balance your body’s natural energy.
Facial Steam opens pores and detoxifies.
Aromatherapy reduces harmful bacteria and improves lymphatic flow to the face increasing detoxification and enhancing your mood.
To Learn More About This Facelift Massage Click Here:
Offered at Exclusive Spas around the world at over $225 now offered to you for: $150 (A $75 discount!)
I Love My Face Spa Package Gift Cert
Note: Some health conditions such as active cancer may be contra-indicated for massage and must have a doctor’s release to have massage treatments.
See More Gift Certificates on the Spa Products Page
Chocolate Spa treatments Are Exquisitely Relaxing.
Chocolate Spa Package:
- Pure Indulgence! First your feet will be soaked in a tantalizing milk and cocoa blend to soften the skin and impart anti-oxidants, not to mention the heavenly aroma.
- You will have body dry brushing to stimulate the lymphatic system and clear away old skin cells preparing your skin to receive the Chocolate Mint Yogurt Wrap.
- Finally enjoy an exquisite massage with chocolate mint massage cream. It smells so good you’ll want to eat it.
- I will conclude the treatment with some chocolate to eat of course!
See the Spa Specialties page for a description of Chocolate’s benefits.
$200 Value discounted to $150.
Massage Gift Cert chocolate spa_web
Body Wrap, Body Buff and Massage Package
- Half-hour Massage- Full body relaxation massage
- Body Buff/Lymphatic Stimulation Treatment: Your immune system will be enhanced with lymphatic stimulating strokes with a natural bristle brush that also exfoliates dead skin cells, leaving your skin ready for the hydrating, aromatherapy body wrap.
- Aromatherapy Hydrating Body Wrap: Will leave your skin soft, and lusciously touchable.
Valued at: $130. Special Price of: $75.
Body Wrap Spa Package Download.
I had a lovely time. Thank you. See you soon.