The Power of Aromatherapy-Peppermint

History of Peppermint

Our knowledge of peppermint begins with Pliny (23-79 AD), a Roman scientist and historian. He recorded that the Greeks and Romans used peppermint to flavor sauces and their wines.


  • It was used as a decorative element on their tables. It was used medicinally by Greek and Roman physicians.

  • Egyptians cultivated M. piperita because dried leaves were discovered in several pyramids.


  • Peppermint is named after the Greek nymph” Minthewho was killed by Pluto’s wife after she learned of their affair. As the Greek God of the Underworld he brought her back to life as the peppermint plant.

  • Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) would not let his soldiers near peppermint because he believed it would give them erotic thoughts and weaken their ability to fight.

  • In the 18th century peppermint began to be was cultivated for its medicinal properties in Western Europe and England. Aristotle believed peppermint to be an aphrodisiac.

  • The Arabs used peppermint in drinks to increase virility.

  • t was also used as a strewing herb by the Romans and in the Middle Ages in Europe.

Peppermint affects these Organ/Meridians: Liver, Stomach and Large Intestine.

Caution: Avoid if you have sensitive skin or high blood pressure. Use only 1% in blends or it can be skin irritant.

Keep this oil away from homeopathic remedies as it can void their effect.

 To Learn More About Peppermint Essential Oil Properties, See the video on peppermint in the right columns of videos toward the bottom. Enjoy

  • It’s antiseptic, antiviral and a general stimulating tonic.

  • It’s good for the respiratory system and helps stimulates the lungs, sinuses,

  • Good for allergies, colds and flu.

  • It stimulates the nervous system.

  • It’s a good stomachic easing colic and intestinal cramps as well as killing bacteria 

  • It’s great for stomach aches and flatulence and sour stomach– use 1 drop diluted with 1 tsp vegetable oil and rub clockwise (right to left) on the intestinal area,

  • Use for acid indigestion heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.

  • It stimulates the liver and gallbladder to secrete bile aiding in digestion.

  •  It increases capillary circulation so it’s great for bruises.

  • See More Aromatherapy Articles and Seminars Here.

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